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Selasa, Februari 09, 2010


Intrapersonal COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Information processing in intrapersonal communication include: 1. SENSATION; is the process of catching stimuli. 2. PERCEPTION; is the process of giving meaning to the sensation that people acquire new knowledge. Perceptions change sensation to the information. 3. Memory; is the process of storing information and called him back. 4. THINKING; the process and manipulate information to meet the needs or respond. Ad. 1. SENSATION Derived from the word "sense," meaning sensory devices. There are 5 sensory organs (sensory); But psychology mentions 9 sensory organs, namely: vision, hearing, kinestetis, vestibular, touch, temperature, pain, taste and smell. There are 3 kinds of senses of the recipient according to the sources of information: 1. Information from outside diindera by eksteroseptor (such as ear or eye). 2. Information from the diindera by interoseptor (eg circulatory system) 3. Diindera body movements by proprioseptor (eg organ vestibular / balance system of the brain sample). Stimulus is anything that touches sensory organs - from within and from outside. In order to be accepted by the sensory organs, a stimulus must be strong enough. Threshold stimulus is called the absolute threshold (absolute threshold). Eyes: only can capture light waves between 380 to 780 nanometers. Ear can only detect the frequency of sound waves anatra 20 to 20,000 hertz. Human beings can only receive a temperature between 10 ° C - 45 ° C. The difference may be caused by the sensation of experience or environmental differences in culture, in addition to the capacity of different sensory organs. Differences capacity sensory organs causes a difference in choosing a job or a mate, listening to music, or play the radio. Sensation affect perception. Ad. 2. PERCEPTION Is the experience of objects, events, or relationships concluded obtained by interpreting the information and messages. Part of the perception of sensation. Perception is to give meaning to sensory stimuli (sensory stimuli). Interpret the meaning of sensory information involves not only the sensation but also attention, expectations, motivation and memory (Desiderato, 1976: 129). Ad. 2. 1. Attention (Attention) Is a mental process as a stimulus or set of stimuli to be prominent in the consciousness of the other stimuli when weakened. External Attractor Factor Attention: 1. Movement; object moving more interesting. 2. Intensity stimuli; more prominent stimuli would be more interesting. 3. Novelty (Novelty); that the newer, unusual, different to be interesting. 4. Repetition; presented many times will affect the subconscious; an element of suggestion. Internal factors Penaruh Attention: The existence of selective attention (selective attention); what concerns us escape the attention of others or vice versa. 1. Biological factors; hunger, thirst, sex (basic needs) 2. Factors Sosiopsikologis; sosiogenis motives, attitudes, habits and wishes, latarbelakan cultural, and educational experiences to determine what is observed. Ad. 2. 2. Functional factors that determine the perception Derived from the needs, past experiences and things of personal factors. Perception is functionally selective; the influence of the needs, mental readiness, emotional atmosphere and cultural background of perception. Functional factors that influence the perception commonly known as a frame of reference (frame of reference). Ad. 2. 3. Structural Factors that Determine Perceptions To understand someone, we should see it in context, the environment, the problems it faces. In humans perceive stimuli will consider the proximity of space and time, or equality of education, background and experience. Ad. 3. Memory Memory plays an important role in influencing both the perception (with the frame of reference) and thinking. It is a very structured system, which causes an organism capable of recording facts about the world and use the knowledge to guide behavior. Memory through 3 processes: 1. RECORDING (encoding): recording of information through sensory receptors and the internal neural circuit. 2. STORAGE (storage) is to determine how long the information is with us, in what form and where. 3. Call (retrieval) adalh use the information stored. (Mussen and Rosenzweig, 1973: 499). Memory Types: 1. Remembering (recall) is an active process to produce facts and information back in verbatim (word for word) without clear guidelines. 2. Introduction (recognition): recall some facts. 3. Learn more (relearning): master the lessons that have been re-acquired. 4. Redintegrasi (redintegration) is to reconstruct the entire past of a small memory instructions. Theory Three Memory: 1. Theory Aus (disuse theory): the memory is lost or dismissed because of the time. 2. The theory of interference (interference theory): the influence of personal in the memory. 3. Information Processing Theory (information processing theory) states that the first information stored in the sensory storage (warehouse senses) and then entered a short-term memory (STM, short-term memory); and then forgotten or dikoding to put into long-term memory (LTM , long-term memory). There are 2 kinds of memory: 1. Iconic memory: memory of visual material. 2. Ekosis memory: memory auditif entry. Ad. 4. THINK Involve all the sensation, perception and memory. Thinking involves the use of symbols, visual or graphic. Think we do to understand reality in order to make decisions (decision making), to solve problems (problem solving) and produce a new (creativity). How to Think: 1. Deductive: from general to specific. 2. Inductive: from the special and general conclusions (generalizations). 3. Evaluative: to think critically, assess whether bad, right or whether the idea. 4.1. Define the decision (decision making): 1. The decision is the result of thinking, the intellectual effort; 2. The decision always involves a choice of various alternatives; 3. Decisions always involve real action, though its implementation may be deferred or forgotten. 4.2. Problem solving (problem solving) Factors that influence the problem solving process: 1. Motivation 2. Beliefs and attitudes that are wrong 3. Custom 4. Emotions 4.3. Creative Thinking (creative thinking) Condition: 1. Creativity involves a response or new ideas, or are statistically very rare, but novelty alone is not enough. 2. Creativity can solve the problem realistically. 3. Creativity is an attempt to maintain the original insight, assess and develop as much as possible. (MacKinnon, 1962: 485). Five Creative Thinking Process stages: 1. Orientation: problems formulated and identified aspects of the problem. 2. Preparation: the mind trying to gather as much information relevant to the problem. 3. Incubation: the mind rest for a while when various solutions to deal with a stalemate. At this stage of problem-solving process goes on in our subconscious soul. 4. Illumination: the incubation period ends when the thinker gain some inspiration, a series of problem-solving insights. This menibulkan Aha Erlebnis (experience Aha). 5. Verification: the last stage to test and critically evaluate proposed solutions to the fourth stage. Signs of creative people: 1. Cognitive abilities: intelligence above the average, gave birth to the ability of new ideas, different ideas, cognitive flexibility. 2. An open attitude: preparing to accept the internal and external stimuli; have diverse interests and wide. 3. Attitude-free, autonomous and believe in yourself: not happy "herded", showing her best and wants, not too tied to the social conventions (called "quirky" or crazy). Source: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 48 to 78, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya

Sabtu, Februari 06, 2010

PERSONAL factors that influence human behavior

PERSONAL factors that influence human behavior
• Perspectives based on the Personal; question INTERNAL factors of attitudes, instincts, motives, personality, cognitive systems that explain human behavior: Biological factors (thirst, hunger, safe, genetic) and Sosiopsikologis (three components: affective / emotional, cognitive / intellectual and konatif / habit).
1. Biological factors
• Social Behavior guided by rules that are genetically programmed in the human soul.
• Structure of human biology - genetics, nervous system and hormonal system - greatly affect human behavior. Affect genetic structure of intelligence, ability and emotional sensations. Regulate the nervous system and brain work of information processing in the human soul. Hormonal system is not only a biological mechanism mepengaruhi but also a psychological process.
• a particular behavior is an innate human (instinct) rather than environmental influences or situasi.Misalnya making out, feeding, caring for children and aggressive behavior.
• biological factors that drive behavior is called Motive biological need for food and drink breaks (called "visceral motives") sexual needs and the need to maintain survival by avoiding the pain and danger.

• There are 3 components:
a. Affective component is the emotional aspect; consists of motive sosiogenis, attitudes and emotions.
b. COGNITIVE component is the intellectual aspects related to what the human mind.
c. KONATIF component is volisional aspect, associated with habits and ability to act.
Affective components:

• Also called secondary motive against motive primary (biological motifs).
• Classification sosiogenis motives:
1. Motif Want to Know: understand, organize and suspect (predictibility); each person trying to understand and gain meaning from the world; needed frame of reference (or reference frame) to evaluate the new situation and directing the appropriate action.
2. Motif Competency: everyone wants to prove that he was able to overcome any problems of life. Sense of highly dependent on intellectual development, social and emotional; closely associated with the need for security. For example old age security, our children want good schools for economic investment.
3. Motif Love: able to love and be loved is something essential for personality growth. The warmth of friendship, sincerity of love, acceptance of others who need very warm human being. Love needs unmet human behavior will lead to a less good; people will be aggressive, loneliness, frustration, suicide (Packard, 1974).
4. Motives of Self-Esteem and the need to find identity. The loss of identity will lead to pathological behavior (disease): impulsive, restless, easily distracted.
5. The need for values, passion and meaning of life. When humans lose value, do not know what the purpose of life was, he did not have the certainty to act; he would soon despair and loss of grip.
6. The need for self-fulfillment. Done through: (1) to develop and use our potentials with kratif constructive way, such as with art, music, science, or anything that encourages creative self expression; (2) enrich the quality of life by expanding the range and quality of experience and satisfaction; such excursions; (3) establish a warm relationship and meaning with the people around; (4) to 'memanusia,' became a persona that we crave (Coleman, 1976:105).

• First, attitude is the tendency to act, berpersepsi, think and feel in the face of the object, idea, situation or value.
• Second, the attitude has impetus or motivation. This attitude is not merely recording the past, but also determine whether people should be pros or cons of anything; determine what is desirable, expected and desired; aside what is not wanted, what to avoid (Sheriff and Sheriff, 1956:489).
• Third, attitudes are relatively settled; tends to be maintained and rarely change.
• Fourth, the evaluative aspects of attitudes contains; contain values pleasant or unpleasant.
• Fifth, the attitude comes from experience; not innate, but is a result of learning.

Fluctuations showed that the organism is accompanied by symptoms of consciousness, keperilakuan and physiological processes. Emotions are not always bad. Four functions of emotions (Coleman and Hammen, 1974: 462): First, emotions are energy generation (energizer)




B. Situational factors that influence human behavior



B.3. FACTORS temporal




B.7. ENVIRONMENTAL psychosocial

B.8. Stimuli that encourage and strengthen BEHAVIOR

Source: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 17 to 47, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya

Jumat, Februari 05, 2010

About Human Concept

About Human Concept
I. Human conception in Psychoanalysis
• According to Freud, human behavior is the result of interaction of three subsystems in the human personality: ID, EGO and the superego.
• 1). ID: the personality that keeps the biological impulses of human - center instincts (lust).
- There are 2 dominant instincts:
1). Libido - reproductive instinct which provides the basic energy for human activities that are constructive; is also called the life instinct (eros); that in Freud's concept includes not only the sexual impulse, but also all the things that bring enjoyment, including a mother's love, the worship of God and the image self (narcisism).
2). Thanatos - even destructive aggressive instinct, or the death instinct.
All human motive is the combination of ethos and Thanatos.
Id move based on the principle of pleasure (pleasure principle), eager to meet his needs. Id is selfish, immoral and do not want to know the reality. Id is the human animal nature.
• 2). EGO - working to bridge the demands of Id with the reality in the outside world. Is the mediator between the desires of animal with a rational and realistic demands. The reason people can subdue the desire and live animal as a rational form (in a normal person).
• 3). Superego: police personalities, representing the ideal; is the conscience (conscience) which is the internalization of social norms and cultural community.
• ID and superego within the human subconscious. EGO was in the middle between meeting regulatory pressure and superego id.
Conclusion Psychoanalysis
Human behavior is the interaction between biological components (Id), a psychological component (ego) and the social component (the superego); or animal elements, rational and moral; or animal, akali and value.

II. Human conception in Behaviorism
• Born as a reaction to introspeksionisme (which analyzes the human soul according to subjective reports) and also psychoanalysis (which talked about the unconscious that does not appear).
• To analyze only the visible behavior only, which can be measured, described and predicted.
• the behaviorist theory is better known as learning theory of human behavior - except instinct - is the result of learning.
• Learning means changing the behavior of organisms as environmental influences.
• Behaviorism does not want people questioning whether good or bad, rational or emotional; just want to know how behavior is controlled by environmental factors; then arose the concept of "human machine" (Homo Mechanicus).
Flow opinion Behaviorism:
• At the time of birth the human soul does not have what = what, a candle table (tabula rasa) ready to be painted by the experience. The whole of human behavior, personality and temperament is determined by the experience of the senses (sensory experience).
• hedonism: looking at man as a creature who moves to meet the interests of itself, seek pleasure and avoid pain.
• Utilitarianism: all human behavior is subject to the principle of reward and punishment.
• The behaviorist holds: organisms are born without social characteristics and psychological; behavior is the result of experience and behavior are driven or motivated by the need to enhance their pleasure and reduce pain.
• The concept of social learning (social learning) from Bandura: Learning also occurs due to imitation (imitation) the ability to imitate another person's response; reward and punishment is not an important factor in learning, but an important factor in doing an act (performance). Children who are praised in expressing his feelings will do it again while the children who will refrain denounced even have the ability.

III. Human conception in Cognitive Psychology
• People no longer viewed as passive beings who react to the environment but as a creature who tried to understand the environment: a creature who is always thinking (Homo sapiens).
• Human beings are active organisms interpret and even distorting the environment.
• Cognitive Consistency Theory: individuals trying to optimize the perception of meaning, feelings, cognition and experience.
• The Person as Consistency Seeker: man as a seeker of cognitive consistency; man regarded as being always tried to maintain constancy in belief systems and belief systems of the premises of behavior.
• The Person as Information Processor: humans as processors of information; humans shifted from those who like to find a justification or defense to people who consciously solve the problem.

IV. The conception of man in Humanistic Psychology
• Explain aspects of human existence and determine the positive such as love, creativity, values, meaning and personal growth.
• Humanism Views:
1. Every human being living in a world of personal experience in which he - the I, me or myself (the I, me, or myself) - the center. Human behavior based on self-concept, namely human perspsi about her identity that is flexible and changeable.
2. Human beings behave to maintain, improve and actualize themselves.
3. Individuals react to situations according to the perception of himself and his world.
4. Perceived threat to self-defense will be followed by the self - and a narrowing of perception and behavior pengkakuan adjustment and the use of ego defense mechanisms such as rationalization.
5. Innate human tendency is toward health and wholeness itself. In normal circumstances he was behaving rationally and constructively, and to select the road to development and self-actualization.

Source: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 17 to 47, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya

Selasa, Februari 02, 2010

Human Characteristics communicant

Human Characteristics communicant

The main cast is in the process of human communication. As a psychologist, looking at the very communication communicant of human behavior. Task linguistiklah experts to discuss the components that form the structure of the message. Task tekniklah experts to analyze how much "noise" going on the road before the message to the komunikate, and how many messages are missing.
• Psychologist start in when talking about how people process the messages they receive, how they think and how to see people affected by the symbols that are owned. The focus of the psychology of human communication is the communicant. Therefore, our first important to know ourselves, trying to answer: What creature are we? What factors are controlling us?
• In this case, we will discuss the concept of human psychology-A theoretical basis for psychological studies further communication. Soon after that, this chapter will discuss the factors-personal and situational factors that influence human behavior.


Psychoanalysis Volens Homo (human desire) Freud, Jung, Adler, Abraham, Horney, personality development BION, socialization, identification, aggression

Cognitive Homo sapiens (human thinking) Lewin, Heider, Festinger, Piaget, Kohlberg Culture and behavior, attitude, language and thinking, group dynamics, Propaganda

Behaviorism Homo Mechanicus (human machine) Hull, Miler & Dollard, Rotter, Sklinner, Interpersonal Perception Bandura, Self Concept, Experiment, Social Control, Reward and Punishment

Humanism Homo Ludens (humans playing) Rogers, Combs & Snygg Maslow, May Satir, Perls Self-concept, interpersonal transactions, Society & Individual

In quotes from: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 17 to 47, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya

Is Psychology Communication?

Is Psychology Communication?

• Communication is very essential for the growth of human personality. Experts in the social sciences have repeatedly revealed that the lack of communication will hinder the development of personality (Davis, 1940; Waserman, 1924). Renowned anthropologist, Ashley Montague (1967: 450) explicitly writes: "The most important agency through which the child learns to be human is communication, verbal also nonverbal."
• Communication is very closely related to the behavior and experience of human consciousness. Not surprisingly, that communication always attracted researchers in psychology.
• Communication was brought up by psychology researchers, such as Willbur Schramm, Kurt Lewin (psychologists group dynamics), Paul Lazarsfeld (which heavily influenced psychologist Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis), Carl I. Hovland (once an assistant Clark Hull, of the psychology of behaviorism).

• Communication is not subdisciplines of psychology. As a science, communication through many disciplines. As symptoms of behavior, communication studied a variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology & philosophy.

• Psychology especially directed his attention to human behavior and try to conclude the process that leads to awareness of that behavior.
• Sociology of view of communication in social interaction.
• Philosophy of view of human relationships with other realities.
Four traits in Communication Psychology approach by Fisher
• Acceptance of sensory stimuli (sensory reception of stimuli)
• The process that mediates stimulus and response (internal mediation of stimuli)
• Prediction response (prediction of responses)
• Confirmation of response (reinforcement of responses)

• Input to our sensory organs in the form of data.
• Shaped people, messages, sounds, colors (all the things that affect us)

• A response / feedback that occurs because of the stimulus.
• Communication is the most essential activity in human life. Approximately 70% of our waking hours are used to communicate. Someone else's success can be seen from his skill in communicating. Lack of communication will hinder the development of personality.
• Communication is very closely related to the behavior and experience of human consciousness. Or in other words, the science of communication is also closely related to the study of human behavior, namely Psychology. However, communication is not the science of psychology subdisciplines. Instead communication, discipline studied by other disciplines such as psychology and sociology.
• Actually, what is meant by "communication" is? There are many definitions of "communication". Definition-definition that arises is motivated by a variety of perspectives such as mechanical, sosiologistis, or psikologistis. Communication as an essential human activity, has a meaning that really wide. Starting from the delivery of energy, sound waves, the sign of the place, system or organism.
• Simply put, communication is the process of delivering information received by sensory equipment, into the brain. That information could come from the environment, other organisms, or from yourself. Seen from the perspective of biology, information delivery process itself is a very complicated process and complex. Results from the synergy of the brain with a variety of sensory organs and the organs of the body, and involves millions of nerve cells in the brain and throughout the body.
• However, the psychology is discussed in the analysis of all components involved in the communication process. In the self-communicant, the psychology of trying to formulate the characteristics of the communicant, and the factors that affect communication behavior. While on the communicator, psychology analyzes how a successful communication effective communication can occur. In addition, psychology is also analyzing how a stimulus can lead to responses in individuals or how an activity can lead to communication of a result.
• communicate the human goal is to produce an effective communication actions. Or in other words, communicate what is in the mind communicator, to match what he was thinking by the communicant. Effective communication is, at least lead to five points, namely understanding, enjoyment, influence on attitudes, relationships and actions the better.
• Understanding careful means acceptance of the contents of a stimulus as intended by the communicator. Failure to accept the message accurately called the primary communication failure (primary breakdown in communication).
• Fun is the purpose of communication which makes our relationship a warm, friendly and fun. Communication fatis (phatic communication): the communication is only done to seek to make others feel what yng called transactional analysis as "I'm OK - you're OK."
• affect the attitude is also persuasive communication purposes. Persuasive is defined as "the process of influencing opinions, attitudes and actions of people with psychological manipulation so that the person is acting as his own."
• Social relations are good if not successful will happen "flight syndrome" (to escape from the environment). Communication failure secondary (secondary breakdown) is a human relations problems arising from misunderstanding. Thus the necessary social survival skills in understanding the factors that influence the effectiveness of interpersonal communication such as interpersonal perception and interpersonal relationships.
• Action is the cumulative result of the whole process of communication; to get there first needed instill understanding, shaping and changing the sikapatau foster good relations.
• Here the role of psychology in the communication. In addition to analyzing the causes, effects, etc., psychology is also trying to discover what the best way to create effective communication. By studying psychology, communication will we do could be launched with the best way. In addition, the impact of any communication made predictable.

Psychology of Communication:
• Science of trying to describe, predict, and control of mental and behavioral events in the communication.
• That the concept of the psychology of communication. Psychology of communication seeks to analyze the process of communication between individuals or with yourself, with very clear. When a communication has been successful, then the goals we want to go can be achieved. In addition we have a personality that would thrive.

Quoted from: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter I, p. 1 to 16, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya