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Selasa, Februari 02, 2010

Human Characteristics communicant

Human Characteristics communicant

The main cast is in the process of human communication. As a psychologist, looking at the very communication communicant of human behavior. Task linguistiklah experts to discuss the components that form the structure of the message. Task tekniklah experts to analyze how much "noise" going on the road before the message to the komunikate, and how many messages are missing.
• Psychologist start in when talking about how people process the messages they receive, how they think and how to see people affected by the symbols that are owned. The focus of the psychology of human communication is the communicant. Therefore, our first important to know ourselves, trying to answer: What creature are we? What factors are controlling us?
• In this case, we will discuss the concept of human psychology-A theoretical basis for psychological studies further communication. Soon after that, this chapter will discuss the factors-personal and situational factors that influence human behavior.


Psychoanalysis Volens Homo (human desire) Freud, Jung, Adler, Abraham, Horney, personality development BION, socialization, identification, aggression

Cognitive Homo sapiens (human thinking) Lewin, Heider, Festinger, Piaget, Kohlberg Culture and behavior, attitude, language and thinking, group dynamics, Propaganda

Behaviorism Homo Mechanicus (human machine) Hull, Miler & Dollard, Rotter, Sklinner, Interpersonal Perception Bandura, Self Concept, Experiment, Social Control, Reward and Punishment

Humanism Homo Ludens (humans playing) Rogers, Combs & Snygg Maslow, May Satir, Perls Self-concept, interpersonal transactions, Society & Individual

In quotes from: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 17 to 47, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya

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good and the best for aticle

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