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Sabtu, Februari 06, 2010

PERSONAL factors that influence human behavior

PERSONAL factors that influence human behavior
• Perspectives based on the Personal; question INTERNAL factors of attitudes, instincts, motives, personality, cognitive systems that explain human behavior: Biological factors (thirst, hunger, safe, genetic) and Sosiopsikologis (three components: affective / emotional, cognitive / intellectual and konatif / habit).
1. Biological factors
• Social Behavior guided by rules that are genetically programmed in the human soul.
• Structure of human biology - genetics, nervous system and hormonal system - greatly affect human behavior. Affect genetic structure of intelligence, ability and emotional sensations. Regulate the nervous system and brain work of information processing in the human soul. Hormonal system is not only a biological mechanism mepengaruhi but also a psychological process.
• a particular behavior is an innate human (instinct) rather than environmental influences or situasi.Misalnya making out, feeding, caring for children and aggressive behavior.
• biological factors that drive behavior is called Motive biological need for food and drink breaks (called "visceral motives") sexual needs and the need to maintain survival by avoiding the pain and danger.

• There are 3 components:
a. Affective component is the emotional aspect; consists of motive sosiogenis, attitudes and emotions.
b. COGNITIVE component is the intellectual aspects related to what the human mind.
c. KONATIF component is volisional aspect, associated with habits and ability to act.
Affective components:

• Also called secondary motive against motive primary (biological motifs).
• Classification sosiogenis motives:
1. Motif Want to Know: understand, organize and suspect (predictibility); each person trying to understand and gain meaning from the world; needed frame of reference (or reference frame) to evaluate the new situation and directing the appropriate action.
2. Motif Competency: everyone wants to prove that he was able to overcome any problems of life. Sense of highly dependent on intellectual development, social and emotional; closely associated with the need for security. For example old age security, our children want good schools for economic investment.
3. Motif Love: able to love and be loved is something essential for personality growth. The warmth of friendship, sincerity of love, acceptance of others who need very warm human being. Love needs unmet human behavior will lead to a less good; people will be aggressive, loneliness, frustration, suicide (Packard, 1974).
4. Motives of Self-Esteem and the need to find identity. The loss of identity will lead to pathological behavior (disease): impulsive, restless, easily distracted.
5. The need for values, passion and meaning of life. When humans lose value, do not know what the purpose of life was, he did not have the certainty to act; he would soon despair and loss of grip.
6. The need for self-fulfillment. Done through: (1) to develop and use our potentials with kratif constructive way, such as with art, music, science, or anything that encourages creative self expression; (2) enrich the quality of life by expanding the range and quality of experience and satisfaction; such excursions; (3) establish a warm relationship and meaning with the people around; (4) to 'memanusia,' became a persona that we crave (Coleman, 1976:105).

• First, attitude is the tendency to act, berpersepsi, think and feel in the face of the object, idea, situation or value.
• Second, the attitude has impetus or motivation. This attitude is not merely recording the past, but also determine whether people should be pros or cons of anything; determine what is desirable, expected and desired; aside what is not wanted, what to avoid (Sheriff and Sheriff, 1956:489).
• Third, attitudes are relatively settled; tends to be maintained and rarely change.
• Fourth, the evaluative aspects of attitudes contains; contain values pleasant or unpleasant.
• Fifth, the attitude comes from experience; not innate, but is a result of learning.

Fluctuations showed that the organism is accompanied by symptoms of consciousness, keperilakuan and physiological processes. Emotions are not always bad. Four functions of emotions (Coleman and Hammen, 1974: 462): First, emotions are energy generation (energizer)




B. Situational factors that influence human behavior



B.3. FACTORS temporal




B.7. ENVIRONMENTAL psychosocial

B.8. Stimuli that encourage and strengthen BEHAVIOR

Source: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 17 to 47, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya