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Selasa, Februari 09, 2010


Intrapersonal COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Information processing in intrapersonal communication include: 1. SENSATION; is the process of catching stimuli. 2. PERCEPTION; is the process of giving meaning to the sensation that people acquire new knowledge. Perceptions change sensation to the information. 3. Memory; is the process of storing information and called him back. 4. THINKING; the process and manipulate information to meet the needs or respond. Ad. 1. SENSATION Derived from the word "sense," meaning sensory devices. There are 5 sensory organs (sensory); But psychology mentions 9 sensory organs, namely: vision, hearing, kinestetis, vestibular, touch, temperature, pain, taste and smell. There are 3 kinds of senses of the recipient according to the sources of information: 1. Information from outside diindera by eksteroseptor (such as ear or eye). 2. Information from the diindera by interoseptor (eg circulatory system) 3. Diindera body movements by proprioseptor (eg organ vestibular / balance system of the brain sample). Stimulus is anything that touches sensory organs - from within and from outside. In order to be accepted by the sensory organs, a stimulus must be strong enough. Threshold stimulus is called the absolute threshold (absolute threshold). Eyes: only can capture light waves between 380 to 780 nanometers. Ear can only detect the frequency of sound waves anatra 20 to 20,000 hertz. Human beings can only receive a temperature between 10 ° C - 45 ° C. The difference may be caused by the sensation of experience or environmental differences in culture, in addition to the capacity of different sensory organs. Differences capacity sensory organs causes a difference in choosing a job or a mate, listening to music, or play the radio. Sensation affect perception. Ad. 2. PERCEPTION Is the experience of objects, events, or relationships concluded obtained by interpreting the information and messages. Part of the perception of sensation. Perception is to give meaning to sensory stimuli (sensory stimuli). Interpret the meaning of sensory information involves not only the sensation but also attention, expectations, motivation and memory (Desiderato, 1976: 129). Ad. 2. 1. Attention (Attention) Is a mental process as a stimulus or set of stimuli to be prominent in the consciousness of the other stimuli when weakened. External Attractor Factor Attention: 1. Movement; object moving more interesting. 2. Intensity stimuli; more prominent stimuli would be more interesting. 3. Novelty (Novelty); that the newer, unusual, different to be interesting. 4. Repetition; presented many times will affect the subconscious; an element of suggestion. Internal factors Penaruh Attention: The existence of selective attention (selective attention); what concerns us escape the attention of others or vice versa. 1. Biological factors; hunger, thirst, sex (basic needs) 2. Factors Sosiopsikologis; sosiogenis motives, attitudes, habits and wishes, latarbelakan cultural, and educational experiences to determine what is observed. Ad. 2. 2. Functional factors that determine the perception Derived from the needs, past experiences and things of personal factors. Perception is functionally selective; the influence of the needs, mental readiness, emotional atmosphere and cultural background of perception. Functional factors that influence the perception commonly known as a frame of reference (frame of reference). Ad. 2. 3. Structural Factors that Determine Perceptions To understand someone, we should see it in context, the environment, the problems it faces. In humans perceive stimuli will consider the proximity of space and time, or equality of education, background and experience. Ad. 3. Memory Memory plays an important role in influencing both the perception (with the frame of reference) and thinking. It is a very structured system, which causes an organism capable of recording facts about the world and use the knowledge to guide behavior. Memory through 3 processes: 1. RECORDING (encoding): recording of information through sensory receptors and the internal neural circuit. 2. STORAGE (storage) is to determine how long the information is with us, in what form and where. 3. Call (retrieval) adalh use the information stored. (Mussen and Rosenzweig, 1973: 499). Memory Types: 1. Remembering (recall) is an active process to produce facts and information back in verbatim (word for word) without clear guidelines. 2. Introduction (recognition): recall some facts. 3. Learn more (relearning): master the lessons that have been re-acquired. 4. Redintegrasi (redintegration) is to reconstruct the entire past of a small memory instructions. Theory Three Memory: 1. Theory Aus (disuse theory): the memory is lost or dismissed because of the time. 2. The theory of interference (interference theory): the influence of personal in the memory. 3. Information Processing Theory (information processing theory) states that the first information stored in the sensory storage (warehouse senses) and then entered a short-term memory (STM, short-term memory); and then forgotten or dikoding to put into long-term memory (LTM , long-term memory). There are 2 kinds of memory: 1. Iconic memory: memory of visual material. 2. Ekosis memory: memory auditif entry. Ad. 4. THINK Involve all the sensation, perception and memory. Thinking involves the use of symbols, visual or graphic. Think we do to understand reality in order to make decisions (decision making), to solve problems (problem solving) and produce a new (creativity). How to Think: 1. Deductive: from general to specific. 2. Inductive: from the special and general conclusions (generalizations). 3. Evaluative: to think critically, assess whether bad, right or whether the idea. 4.1. Define the decision (decision making): 1. The decision is the result of thinking, the intellectual effort; 2. The decision always involves a choice of various alternatives; 3. Decisions always involve real action, though its implementation may be deferred or forgotten. 4.2. Problem solving (problem solving) Factors that influence the problem solving process: 1. Motivation 2. Beliefs and attitudes that are wrong 3. Custom 4. Emotions 4.3. Creative Thinking (creative thinking) Condition: 1. Creativity involves a response or new ideas, or are statistically very rare, but novelty alone is not enough. 2. Creativity can solve the problem realistically. 3. Creativity is an attempt to maintain the original insight, assess and develop as much as possible. (MacKinnon, 1962: 485). Five Creative Thinking Process stages: 1. Orientation: problems formulated and identified aspects of the problem. 2. Preparation: the mind trying to gather as much information relevant to the problem. 3. Incubation: the mind rest for a while when various solutions to deal with a stalemate. At this stage of problem-solving process goes on in our subconscious soul. 4. Illumination: the incubation period ends when the thinker gain some inspiration, a series of problem-solving insights. This menibulkan Aha Erlebnis (experience Aha). 5. Verification: the last stage to test and critically evaluate proposed solutions to the fourth stage. Signs of creative people: 1. Cognitive abilities: intelligence above the average, gave birth to the ability of new ideas, different ideas, cognitive flexibility. 2. An open attitude: preparing to accept the internal and external stimuli; have diverse interests and wide. 3. Attitude-free, autonomous and believe in yourself: not happy "herded", showing her best and wants, not too tied to the social conventions (called "quirky" or crazy). Source: Jalaluddin Rachmat, 2008, Psychology of Communication, Chapter II, p. 48 to 78, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya

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